SFYS Pre-Season Skill Sessions
Open to 2nd-5th Grade Players and Teams

SFYS Pre-Season February Skill Sessions
The season is close, and by popular demand we are excited to introduce our
SFYS Pre-Season Skill Sessions!!
The clinics will run for 4 weeks @ the Paul Goode Field, in preparation for the coming spring season.
The dates are:
- Sunday, February 11
- Sunday, February 18
- Sunday, February 25
- Sunday, March 3
The times are:
- 2nd and 3rd Grade players - 9-10am
- 4th and 5th Grade players - 10-11am
- Teams from 11-12pm - this is a special invite for any teams that want their own clinic.
Individual players will register for the 2nd and 3rd, or 4th and 5th grade clinics, but teams wanting their own clinic, should email