2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM is the Annual General Meeting where SFYS team representatives come together to vote on proposals, elect league officials, discuss issues, and award coaches and referees for exceptional work. This is a mandatory meeting that must be attended by one representative from each team in order for the team to remain in "good standing". Each representative will get to place one vote.

When: 11 February 2025 @ 7pm
Where: Zoom Recording (recording) & in person @ SFYS

The meeting was both in person and virtual. In person attendance is limited. All voting was digital via Election Runner (more details below).

  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call of Directors and Officers 
  • Establish Quorum
  • Election of Volunteer Directors 
  • State of the Organization
  • SFYS Program Updates
  • Good of the Game
  • Adjourn


Board of Directors​

Elected! Recommended 2025 SFYS VOLUNTEER BOARD SLATE ​​
Click for Board Bios

  • Eloisa Tejero (current co-CFO)
  • Kelly Allison (current President)
  • ​Lily Kwan (current Director)
  • Stephen Favrot (current co-CFO)
  • Tim Danison (current Secretary)
  • Jacob Pszonowsky (new to the slate)



Make sure your team has declared their unique Team Parent Voting Representative (must be a parent on the team, may only represent one team), because this is the person (or their designated proxie) who will receive the electronic voting instructions and link.

Floor Nominations

Which participating SFYS teams are allowed to vote? 

Part of being a member of the SF Youth Soccer community is participation in our annual election of volunteer Board Members - or to run for election yourself! Every team and club that participates with us is considered a Member of SF Youth Soccer and welcome to attend the AGM. Those Member Teams which are independent or part of clubs/orgs with fewer than ten teams have a vote to cast. 

​Need to update your Team Parent Rep?
Submit your Parent Rep via online form or email Hazen : hazen@sfyouthsoccer.com with first and last name, address, email and phone number of the unique Team Parent (remember, a parent may be the representative for only one team, but is allowed to be proxied to vote for many teams)


For those independent and small club vote-eligible teams, the designated team parent will also receive an email directly from Election Runner with the links to the Volunteer Board ballot. (If a Team Rep can't make it, they are able to authorize a proxy (link pending) to attend on their behalf, so no worries there.)

Voting Members must be checked in by 6pm to establish quorum. See "Vote Number 1: Confirm Attendance & Establish Quorum"  below for details - you can check in any time between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. Please be online by 6:55pm.

  • Can't attend? PROXY YOUR VOTE - either to another parent who can attend or to SFYS Staff, who can vote on your behalf. Proxies MUST vote as designated on the Proxy Form, so your vote will count as intended.

Note: If you appoint one of the San Francisco Youth Soccer staff members (ED/Scotty Kober,  Registrar/Barb Yee, Program Manager/David Reardon) to be your proxy, return your completed and signed proxy. Digitally signed proxy forms that assign SFYS staff must be submitted by 1pm February 10th, 2025



To Watch the meeting you will simply log in to the meeting livestream via Zoom by 6:00pm. Team Parent Reps will be sent the Zoom link.


To Vote online, you (or your confirmed proxy) will have to login to ElectionRunner for two different votes. For each vote you will receive an email with a link for your unique, personalized ID log-in instructions from Election Runner. You will be able to log in from any internet-connected device.

  • Vote Number 1Confirm Attendance & Establish Quorum - *Critical* -  This vote is necessary to confirm your attendance. Why? We can’t hold the vote unless we establish a quorum (minimum required per SFYS Bylaws to be in attendance in order for voting to be allowed) between the people physically in attendance AND the people who are online. 

You will receive an email from ElectionRunner at 6pm with a link to the quorum vote with your unique Login Information (Voter ID and Voter Key). All you need to do is click on the blue "Click Here to Vote" button and you'll be directed to the ballot. The system requires us to have two options. You must check the 1st option (it's in all caps) to check in.

  • ​Vote Number 2Vote for 2025 SF Youth Soccer Board of Directors - This vote will determine the 2025 Board of Directors who will serve a term of approximately one year beginning on March 1, 2025.

You will receive an email from ElectionRunner at 7pm with a link to the Board of Directors vote with your unique Login Information (Voter ID and Voter Key). All you need to do is click on the blue button "Click Here to Vote" and you'll be directed to the ballot.  

Voting opens at 6:15pm on 2/11. The portal will stay open for the duration of the in-person meeting. To learn more about each candidate, click on the "i" to the left of their name and photo and a pop-up window will appear.  

If there is a write-in candidate at the meeting, you may add in their name(s) below the 6 candidates on the ballot. Each write-in candidate you vote for reduces the number of candidates on the slate you vote for by one.

You can vote for a maximum of 6 candidates, but are not required to make 6 votes.

Interested in helping support player scholarships and financial aid grants - or sponsoring some of our amazing comprehensive programming? 
​Your donation is fully tax-deductible (and match-eligible!). Click to Donate

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