7v7 Soccer Coaching Curriculum

We’ll start with the rules for the 7v7 game within the SFYS house leagues.
- The Rules are always linked from the SEASON page.
Occasionally there are adjustments to game or division play, so make sure to refresh your knowledge before each season!
Now, let’s talk about the nuances of the game at 7v7. They come from the rules, and what the overall experience throws your way.
There is a build out line that is a significant nuance. The build out line saga is explained here
Leadership Through Sport.
The SFYS mission is to support youth soccer and leadership through sport. Here we have some suggestions for you to promote leadership within your team and with your players.
What can they expect and what can you expect as the coach? Read more.
Second level - Formations.
We have created a home training program to help your players learn the ‘how’ so you can focus on the ‘why’ at practice. We want you to use it, as much as you want to. You might also create your own home training program, and if you do, please share it with us if you would like – more soccer, please!
The practices focus on covering as much of the nuances and the expectations as possible. They are also mostly small-sided games because the players are challenged to work on technique at home with SFYS @ Home.
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